A pleasure which was already a profession for Rossetti, who has 30 years of experience in the world of wine, and which for Polini, marketing and communication professional from a tender age, is the realisation of a desire cultivated for years. A new vision of the world of wine made possible by the encounter with another friend, Serge Dubois, an internationally renowned oenologist. The union of these three figures has led to the overcoming of classical standards, making way for a "French" reinterpretation of the best Tuscan grapes, in the wake of a bond between France and Tuscany that has its roots in the past millennia.

It was a warm late summer morning. From the windows of their rooms, just a few houses away, Maurizio and Tino, still children, were awakened by the cries, the laughter, the typical sounds coming from work in the vineyards. It was the beginning of the harvest. The grapes were ready to be picked at the perfect moment of their maturation. How many times they had run among the rows, they had hidden among the vines even higher than them. A childhood spent in the midst of nature, its rhythms, its wonderful changes. Also for that year it was time to say goodbye to the juicy bunches of grapes they had seen growing during the summer games. It would have been just a goodbye. The fruit of those grapes, in fact, would reappear on their tables with its ruby splendor. Wine has always been part of the life of their families. He had always been there. The elders spoke of ancient events linked to the land on which they grew precisely those vineyards that still today were harvested. Stories of people, of joys and sorrows, tales of extraordinary or incredibly disappointing years. Stories that, every season, were repeated in their uniqueness.

A series of memories and sensations that has always been present in the mind of Maurizio and Tino. For this reason, in the course of their lives, wine has always had a special charm. So particular that Tino decided to make it his job. Something that went beyond mere work, turning day after day into a kind of obsession with quality. Over thirty years passed to the rhythm of the harvests that led to the creation of a modern and dynamic company, which however has its roots in a solid family tradition. Maurizio has followed a different path. He has moved away from childhood places to become an international marketing and communication professional. Travel, meetings, work with large companies. But the call of that ancient passion has always been alive in him. Until, sipping a glass of wine while waiting for his flight back from the United States, that call became stronger, insistent. And the distance with Tino has been canceled again after so many years.

A phone call and the project was ready. It was because in reality it had always existed. It was enough to just dig just to bring it to light. They would produce "their" wine. And he would have had to express all the love for the flavors and for the beautiful things that had matured in the races of their different, yet similar, lives. Wines of excellence that would have been tasted in order to discover in every corner of the world all the emotions that this millennial nectar could arouse in them.